Many voters rely on the presidential and vice presidential debates to help them decide which candidate they will vote for on Election Day. The first-ever presidential debates were held. The televised debate clearly illustrated the importance of make up and appearing telegenic.
The first incumbent debate between President Ford and Democrat Gov. Jimmy Carter marked the first time.
The Democratic and Republican parties created the Commission on Presidential Debates, which organizes the debates. It outlined standards that third-party candidates must meet to participate in the debates.
Ross Perot featured the first-ever town-hall format. The candidates answered questions from the audience, which was composed of 209 undecided voters.
President Bill Clinton and Republican candidate, Sen. Bob Dole, was the least-watched debate in history. Only 36.3 million people tuned in.
President Barack Obama - bolstered by a stronger economic outlook and recent job growth would win in a match up against the two leading Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.
President Barack Obama is closely matched against each of four possible Republican opponents when registered voters are asked whom they would support if the 2012 presidential election were held today. Mitt Romney leads Obama by two percentage points, 48% to 46%, Rick Perry and Obama are tied at 47%, and Obama edges out Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann by two and four points, respectively.
The president's job approval rating rose to 50 percent, according to the survey, which has a sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
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