Monday, August 19, 2013

Garlic Found to Help Prevent Lung Cancer


A recent study suggests that eating raw garlic twice a week can decrease your chances of getting lung cancer significantly. Research performed at Jiangsu Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in China stated that "garlic may potentially serve as a chemo-preventive agent for lung cancer," suggesting its ability to prevent the risk of lung cancer, food navigator reports. The report suggests that by eating two cloves of raw garlic per day, smokers can reduce their risk of lung cancer by nearly 30 percent.

RELATED: Can Garlic Help You Lose Weight?

Garlic has always been an integral part of eastern medicine, and also has been known to be linked to both the immune system and cardiovascular health.

RELATED: 9 Garlicky Garlic Recipes

A compound in garlic, called diallyl sulphide, is an antibiotic, anti-fungal body that is released when a garlic bulb sprouts into cloves, and it may be responsible for garlic's long history of traditional medicine. In Germany, garlic tablets are prescribed to patients with atherosclerosis, otherwise recognized as the hardening of the arteries by build up fat and cholesterol, as a treatment for the disease.


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