What this FIBA World Canceled?
MADRID, Spain — The International Basketball Association, more commonly known as FIBA, has
announced the cancellation of the 2014 FIBA World Cup after various
countries decided to withdraw their participation from the prestigious
basketball tournament.
This after Hamed Haddadi, FIBA-Asia Most Valuable Player received various derogatory remarks and insults from Filipino netizens on his Facebook page after Gilas Pilipinas’ defeat at the hands of the Iranian team.
“It is with our deepest regret and sadness to announce the cancellation of the 2014 FIBA World Cup,” said Patrick Baumann, Secretary General of FIBA, during a press conference here in Spain.An undermanned Gilas Pilipinas team once again showed their fighting heart as they put together a valiant effort before eventually succumbing to a bigger, taller Iran team, 85-71, in the title game of the 27th FIBA Asia Men’s Basketball Championship at the Mall of Asia Arena on Sunday. (from ABS-CBN News)
“Various countries, including Croatia,
Jordan, Turkey and Germany have expressed concern over this recent
development,” he added.
“Russia, USA, Canada and France was also shocked and decided to pullout from the tournament.”
Lucca Staiger, shooting guard for the
German national basketball team said that, “Out of fear at what
Filipinos might say to insult me, or the whole team for that matter, if
ever we defeated them, we decided not to play in the tournament
Steiger believes that Filipinos would call him a Nazi, Hitler or Achtung among others things, and revealed that he might not be emotionally stable to receive such insults.
The Turkish national team, nicknamed ”12 Dev Adam” (literally: “12 Giant Men”) also shared their reasoning for pulling-out of the tournament.
“If a player like Hamed Haddadi is called a Kapre,
what more to our team?!” said head coach Orhun Ene; referring to a
comment made by a Filipino, likening the 7’2″ Iranian center to a
mythical tree demon, who is often described as a tall (7 to 9 ft),
brown, hairy male with a beard.
“I don’t think my players, who are all kapres by Filipino standards, can take that much emotional beating,” he added.
Other teams did not specify their
reasons, but stated that racism should have no place in an international
competition, where height and skill and not race are the deciding
“A country who is genetically ‘not tall’
(sic) cannot be sore losers if they participated in a height-dominated
sport and then lost to a bigger and taller team from Asia,” said another
player who wishes to be unnamed. “Imagine what would happen at the
international stage.”
According to Baumann, the FIBA World Cup
would possibly return for its 2016 iteration if and when either the
Philippines does not qualify for it or when Filipinos learn to be
gracious in defeat.
“Although there were Filipinos who were
apologetic and embarrassed by the comments left by their fellow
countrymen on Haddadi’s Facebook page…” observed SWN resident
Sociologist Ramon Christopher Ching. “…it just goes to show that not all
sports fans posses the value of sportsmanship. Ironically.”
“And don’t get me started with media, trying to sugar coat their articles.”

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