Wednesday, September 4, 2013

7 Signs of an Optimized Mobile Network


Mobile network quality is the most important thing which keeps the customer hooked up to a particular Operator. This identifies the quality of service and also markets a particular telecom company with a word of mouth. Now I am going to share what are those 7 Signs which makes a Telecom Mobile network ahead of other competition. Now these 7 Signs if are implemented in every network I am sure the Mobile network of country like India can make bigger giants in US UK and Europe envious. But there are few challenges in getting the same implemented and these problems do have solutions and any company who brings solutions first will be a clear winner for many coming years.

1. Coverage Area with least number of Mobile towers and least Emission- This should be covered under operational excellence and minimal expenses. Aside to expenses you are saving people from the bad effects of Signal Radiations. This can be done by effective RF Planning and proper coordination of Site survey by marketing and Field Engineers.

2. No Handover failures or atleast negligible Handover failures- The handover is a major factor for people leaving the network and it should be closely monitor day on day basis. Sometimes such factors affect the Handover such as wind it tilts the antenna and hence create gap for handover failure so whenever strong winds flow through a area. Immediately drive tests should be initiate to close any handover issues if observed.

3. Highways and Rail tracks coverage- Last week my nephew was complaining of major network issue of a prominent data dongle company network. But he was talking about moving on rail road with a speed over 100Kmph and the technology used on the rail network is unable to compensate such a high speed handover. 100Kmph means a speed of 1.6Km/Min which is quiet a high speed for an object to travel for Mobile sites meant to only provide coverage in Rail Roads. Now this is a upgrade dependency but that network is able to accomplish an average speed in slow moving trains also (<100Kmph). So this is an software upgrade issue and could be fixed via that for fast moving objects.

4. Call connect time- This is something related to two things number one is the signal quality and the congestion at the site/sector level. If it is decongested the call connect time reduces by many folds. Second is the Switch configuration which is not routing the call to the right destination and hence increasing time to connect the call.

5. 3G Data Speed- The speed of the data can be adjudged and can be compared with other operators through websites like and hence the data user are particular about how is the speed. As number one data is not a cheap service and hence the expectation level is higher. Plus the user who are using data dongles have experience of broadband that is why they compare speed with LAN. Which means a higher expectation. Data speed could be improved by Site optimization and keep the bandwidth free for the user, usually 3 G Bandwidth is limited so Sales and network has to be in sync to ensure the data dongles are not over sold in a particular area.  The Data complaints bring bad names for the operator, which means negative sales and which impact on revenue.

6. 2G Data Speed- The 2G data speed is more important then 3G because the user base is higher and hence the impact is higher. Thus the 2G has to be handled with utmost care, usually the issue which is faced by the customer is the bandwidth crunch and the voice calls. Increase in voice calls makes the Site drop the data sessions. Thus if your network is Circuit switched network this is the right time to move SIP (Session Intiation Protocol) so it increases the data carrying capacity. Sessions Initiation protocol means that every communication is going to be a session between the network layer and the initiator and the destination. Once the session is free for sometime the session is terminated and the bandwidth is allocated to some other session. Now once the Initiator sends more data the session requests for more bandwidth and hence the sessions gets continued. Share bandwidth means optimal usage of resources which means best performance.

7. Decongested Trunks and Signalling links- Decongested network is the base of the optimized mobile network. Hence the decongested trunks and signalling links ensure reduce in call connect time. Plus decongested trunks and signalling links means lesser time in connection plus flawless call connect and awesome call quality.

Do you have these 7 Signs in your Telecom Network, if you have it in your network I am sure you are the number 1 mobile network in the whole of that circle and the region covered. How you improve these 7 Signs of your mobile network? Share your views in the comment box below.


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