Monday, February 27, 2012

Free link Submission Service


Why submit links?

Part of what makes your site more popular is the number of links that search engines see pointing to your site. The more links you have the more popular/important your site may seem.

What are web directories?

Web directories are the yellow pages of the web, when you submit your web site to a web directory you place your link in a directory with other web sites just like yours. Why is that important? Because when your link is on a page that has nothing to do with your pages content it is not valued as high as it would be if it was on a page with similar content as yours.

Why use a Link Submission Service?

The process of submitting links can be long and tedious process. When you choose your link submission package below we will submit your links to known good and popular web directories. Depending on your package you will also have the option to write several link titles and descriptions to submitted randomly, this gives your site more visibility to the search engines.

How does it work?

We will take your information including; Web Address, Web Site Title, Description, Keywords, and Category, and start submitting your information to our list of web directories. When we submit your site we will choose the category that best describes your site according to the details you filled out in the form. If you choose a package that has more than one option for title and description we will randomly choose from your provided options, this helps in building links with more than just one keyword or key term. Upon completion we will send you a notice that your package has been completely submitted.

How do I get started?

Choose from our Link Submission Packages ranging from $9.99 and on up depending on your needs. After you choose your package you will be presented with a form to fill out with your available options for Basic Information, Title, Description, Keywords, and selected Categories.


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