Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Red Pinkerton: Planets align with moon

The people of Venus… and the folks on Jupiter… have never gotten along. But the Man in the Moon has somehow managed to get the two sides to come together.
Longtime adversaries Jupiter and Venus are talking peace… and the Man in the Moon… is responsible.

Jimmy Dickens… the man who has lived in the moon since purchasing the natural satellite from the U. S. Government in 1970… has had a front row seat for the feud between Jupiter and Venus for 42 years.

Having become friends with the peoples of both planets… this week… he was finally able to get the two to sit down with him and discuss their differences. He says… what they found out was… they’re not that different at all.

“They both want the same things really.” said Dickens… “Peace in the universe… a clean environment in which to raise their children… and cheaper gas prices.”

You can see them in the sky this week… getting close… and talking it out. It has led Jimmy to wonder if maybe he could help the people here on Earth.

“If the Venetians and the Jupitarians can work out their problems… with the distance and light years they have between them… why can’t all the different peoples of Earth figure it out. It looks like I may have to go down there.”


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