Monday, March 5, 2012

5 Best Seo Tips 2012 for Blogger

Did you know that this year Google will apply 500 algorithm update? If you do then this 5 best seo tips 2012 for blogger can help you to avoid any unnecessary cause from the update. Recently on January 18, 2012 Google have applied its first update as answer of many complain that they have receive from their users (google update affected above the fold ads)

Before we start with 5 best seo tips for blogger, I assume that you already understand what is search engine and how search engine works.

What is search engine? Search engine is an algorithm program that is used to search for information using keywords or keyword phrase to find file document, images, videos, and return in a form of list of links. The way search engine works is by sending spiders to crawl the world wide web and then an indexer analyse the information than create an index and a form list of links

And Google the biggest search can index 2300 pages/second that mean Google can index 19.8 billion pages per day so no wonder Google is the most favorite search engine.

Now that you know how search engine works, let get back to the topic check this out;

5 Best Seo Tips 2021 For Blogger

  • Tips 1. Loading Speed; you can see from the explanation above that search engine depend on speed, search engine work on speed, therefor your blog must load fast and have a clean code structure whether is html, php. Logically If it easy for you to load your your blog than it would be easy also for search engine to index your new page.
  • Tip 2. User Experience; Google panda would de-evaluate your page on SERPs if you put to many ads above the fold against content.
  • Tips 3. Link Building: link popularity contest, if your page get the most backlink, with the fastest backlink growth and the best authority backlink than you will have get to be number one SERPs. Off page search engine optimization give 70% weight to On page search engine optimization that only give 30%.
  • Tips 4. Unique Content, yes you probably heard about this thousand of times but not just unique content. You need create much more unique content.

  • Tips 5.You need to start to write for search engine also not just for your reader. Don't forget to put your keyword phrase on your title, on the first 25 words of your article and so on. Learn here how to apply keywords on your post. After all getting into the first page serp is about keywords competitions.
Those are some of the best seo tips for blogger in 2012 that I believe will help to save you from future Google algorithm update and also increase your organic traffic. If you have more best seo tips for blogger in 2012 please share it with us by giving your comment and if you enjoy this post please share it to your fellow blogger so they can be ready for the impact of the future search engine update.


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