Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Former president Barack Obama and Debates


My opinion on how the candidates are responding to the issues of the day.

United State Barack Obama has increasingly gained the odds against the leading potential republic challengers in this year 2012 Presidential elections. Former president Barack Obama numbers are on the rise in the important indicators of his reelection chances, according to a new national survey.

The candidates certainly arrive at the debates armed with talking points and rehearsed responses, but they face difficult question, the unexpected questions and are expected to give thoughtful, substantive answers. A candidate’s performance in the debates can make or break an election. Indeed, many of the most memorable moments of an election campaign originate at the debates. From the simple debate of the following candidates they find the right way to have a very nice campaign. And also OBama don’t let the candidate to discriminate others.

The debate between OBama and other candidates’ of US, that Obama want to have a good leader in US so that US have a good leader to lead the people in US. The following are the individuals who have either formally announced that they are running for president in 2012 and/or have filed as a candidate with the Federal Election Commission, or have formed an exploratory committee for a possible presidential run in 2012.
And also have a three kind of candidate the Active candidates and Inactive candidates and also the third party and independent candidates, And my opinion about this election issues are to following candidates it depend from are almighty God if who will be the next President of United State.


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